Saturday, May 30, 2009

MMMM!!! Beau-ti-ful!

Love Story meets Viva La Vida!
by Jon Schmidt

This Gorgeous piece of work is fabulous! Give it a listen, replay fifty thousand times, and I promise that every time, you will love it just as much as the first.

(Go to Jon Schmidt's website here)

Friday, May 29, 2009


Yeah, it's not such a great idea when you've got money and want to spend it...

BUT! I got some awesome new shoes, socks and a shirt... :)



Jamie and I got matching almost everything... I feel a photo shoot coming on!

Oh! And today was the last day of school! No more collars, WOOT WOOT! Oh, Happy Day! I would sing for you but then it wouldn't be a happy day anymore!

Have a wonderfully fantastic day!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day- 'o9

Happy Mother's day to all of the great mothers out there! No matter who you are or what you do, I know a lot of people appreciate it!

If you're not a mother, thank her:

AND Make the trip if possible to give a hug to her:

And even give this future mother a hug too!


I couldn't find a good enough picture!

And last, this is a tribute to the mothers in my life... I have about fifty. Thanks for watching out for me, being a great friend, and always being there for me!

I love you! (Not all of you... just my mothers)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What is it...

about concerts that just make you look like a fool? Yes, yes, that was me... Ain't it great? Nope. Not at all!

But I do love to play! Yessery Bob! (I don't know how to spell it!)